Books & Decor

Elegant caviar bowl from Iran

135.00 CHF (VAT included)

Present your caviar in the most fashionable way with this classy caviar bowl. An absolute eye-catcher!

  • Weight: 660g
  • Dimensions: 18 x 18 x 15 cm (width x length x height)

Small clay vase with lid

20.00 CHF (VAT included)

Coloured vase made of clay with lid. Even as a simple decorative piece, it brings rich nuances to your living space.

  • Weight: 360g
  • Dimensions: 12 x 12 x 14.5 cm (width x length x height)

Authentic caviar bowl from Iran with fish design

110.00 CHF (VAT included)

This chic bowl is decorated with numerous fish and matches caviar perfectly. It only needs ice and you’ll be able to show your guests caviar in an authentic and exceptional way.

  • Weight: 465g
  • Dimensions: 18 x 18 x 15 cm (width x length x height)